Обновление debian 8 до 9

Security Updates

This revision adds the following security updates to the oldstable release.
The Security Team has already released an advisory for each of these

Advisory ID Package
DSA-4005 openjfx
DSA-4255 ant
DSA-4352 chromium-browser
DSA-4379 golang-1.7
DSA-4380 golang-1.8
DSA-4395 chromium
DSA-4421 chromium
DSA-4616 qemu
DSA-4617 qtbase-opensource-src
DSA-4618 libexif
DSA-4619 libxmlrpc3-java
DSA-4620 firefox-esr
DSA-4621 openjdk-8
DSA-4622 postgresql-9.6
DSA-4624 evince
DSA-4625 thunderbird
DSA-4628 php7.0
DSA-4629 python-django
DSA-4630 python-pysaml2
DSA-4631 pillow
DSA-4632 ppp
DSA-4633 curl
DSA-4634 opensmtpd
DSA-4635 proftpd-dfsg
DSA-4637 network-manager-ssh
DSA-4639 firefox-esr
DSA-4640 graphicsmagick
DSA-4642 thunderbird
DSA-4646 icu
DSA-4647 bluez
DSA-4648 libpam-krb5
DSA-4650 qbittorrent
DSA-4653 firefox-esr
DSA-4655 firefox-esr
DSA-4656 thunderbird
DSA-4657 git
DSA-4659 git
DSA-4660 awl
DSA-4663 python-reportlab
DSA-4664 mailman
DSA-4666 openldap
DSA-4668 openjdk-8
DSA-4670 tiff
DSA-4671 vlc
DSA-4673 tomcat8
DSA-4674 roundcube
DSA-4675 graphicsmagick
DSA-4676 salt
DSA-4677 wordpress
DSA-4678 firefox-esr
DSA-4683 thunderbird
DSA-4685 apt
DSA-4686 apache-log4j1.2
DSA-4687 exim4
DSA-4688 dpdk
DSA-4689 bind9
DSA-4692 netqmail
DSA-4693 drupal7
DSA-4695 firefox-esr
DSA-4698 linux
DSA-4700 roundcube
DSA-4701 intel-microcode
DSA-4702 thunderbird
DSA-4703 mysql-connector-java
DSA-4704 vlc
DSA-4705 python-django
DSA-4706 drupal7
DSA-4707 mutt
DSA-4711 coturn
DSA-4713 firefox-esr
DSA-4715 imagemagick
DSA-4717 php7.0
DSA-4718 thunderbird

Общие методы уменьшения проблемы с совместимостью

Совместимы ли Ваши приложения с Windows 7, поможет определить подключение Application Compatibility Toolkit (ACT)
5.5. ACT также помогает определить, как будут влиять на Ваши приложения апгрейды. Так же Вы функции ACT могут
использоваться для:

  • Проверки своих приложений, устройств и компьютера на совместимость с новой версией операционной системы
  • Проверки совместимости обновления Windows
  • Подключения в сообщество ACT и совместной оценки риска с другими пользователями ACT
  • Тестирования своих Веб-приложений и Веб-сайтов на возможность проблем совместимости с новыми выпусками и
    обновлениями системы защиты Internet Explorer.

Методы уменьшения проблем с совместимостью

Уменьшение проблем с совместимостью приложения обычно зависит от различных факторов,
таких как тип приложения и текущей поддержки приложения. Некоторые из общих методов включают следующее:

  • Изменение конфигурации существующего приложения: Вы можете использовать инструменты, Compatibility
    Administrator или Standard User Analyzer (устанавливается с ACT), для обнаружения проблемы и создания
    исправления данного приложения, что решит проблему совместимости.
  • Применение обновлений или пакетов обновлений к приложению: обновления или пакеты обновлений могут помочь
    решить многие из проблем с совместимостью и дать возможность приложению работать в новой среде операционной
  • Апгрейд приложения до совместимого релиза: если более новая, совместимая версия приложения существует,
    лучшее решение — обновить до более новой версии.
  • Изменение конфигурации безопасности: как пример, Защищенный режим Internet Explorer может быть смягчен,
    добавив сайт в список надежных сайтов или выключив Защищенный режим (что не рекомендуется).
  • Запуск приложения в виртуализированной среде: если все другие методы недоступны, для решения проблем Вы
    можете запустить приложение в более раннем релизе Windows, используя инструменты виртуализации, такие как PC
    Microsoft Virtual и Microsoft Virtual Server.
  • Использование функций совместимости приложения: проблемы приложения, такие как управление версиями
    операционной системы, могут быть смягчены, запуском приложения в режиме эмуляции. К этому режиму можно
    получить доступ, щелкнув правой кнопкой по ярлыку или .exe файлу и применяя режим эмуляции более ранней
    версии Windows на вкладки «Совместимость» (Свойства ->
    Совместимость). Так же, чтобы помочь в конфигурировании режима эмуляции с приложением, Вы
    можете использовать «Мастер Совместимости Программ». Эту функцию можно найти так:
    «Панель управления» -> «Программы» -> «Выполнение программ,
    созданных для предыдущих версий Windows».
  • Выбор другого приложения, которое выполняет ту же самую функцию, но не имеет проблем с совместимостью: если
    другое совместимое приложение доступно, Вы можете использовать его.

Security Updates

This revision adds the following security updates to the stable release.
The Security Team has already released an advisory for each of these

Advisory ID Package
DSA-4826 nodejs
DSA-4844 dnsmasq
DSA-4845 openldap
DSA-4846 chromium
DSA-4847 connman
DSA-4849 firejail
DSA-4850 libzstd
DSA-4851 subversion
DSA-4853 spip
DSA-4854 webkit2gtk
DSA-4855 openssl
DSA-4856 php7.3
DSA-4857 bind9
DSA-4858 chromium
DSA-4859 libzstd
DSA-4860 openldap
DSA-4861 screen
DSA-4862 firefox-esr
DSA-4863 nodejs
DSA-4864 python-aiohttp
DSA-4865 docker.io
DSA-4867 grub-efi-amd64-signed
DSA-4867 grub-efi-arm64-signed
DSA-4867 grub-efi-ia32-signed
DSA-4867 grub2
DSA-4868 flatpak
DSA-4869 tiff
DSA-4870 pygments
DSA-4871 tor
DSA-4872 shibboleth-sp

Miscellaneous Bugfixes

This stable update adds a few important corrections to the following packages:

Package Reason
avahi Remove avahi-daemon-check-dns mechanism, which is no longer needed
base-files Update /etc/debian_version for the 10.9 point release
cloud-init Avoid logging generated passwords to world-readable log files
debian-archive-keyring Add bullseye keys; retire jessie keys
debian-installer Use 4.19.0-16 Linux kernel ABI
debian-installer-netboot-images Rebuild against proposed-updates
exim4 Fix use of concurrent TLS connections under GnuTLS; fix TLS certificate verification with CNAMEs; README.Debian: document the limitation/extent of server certificate verification in the default configuration
fetchmail No longer report System error during SSL_connect(): Success; remove OpenSSL version check
fwupd Add SBAT support
fwupd-amd64-signed Add SBAT support
fwupd-arm64-signed Add SBAT support
fwupd-armhf-signed Add SBAT support
fwupd-i386-signed Add SBAT support
fwupdate Add SBAT support
fwupdate-amd64-signed Add SBAT support
fwupdate-arm64-signed Add SBAT support
fwupdate-armhf-signed Add SBAT support
fwupdate-i386-signed Add SBAT support
gdnsd Fix stack overflow with overly-large IPv6 addresses
groff Rebuild against ghostscript 9.27
hwloc-contrib Enable support for the ppc64el architecture
intel-microcode Update various microcode
iputils Fix ping rounding errors; fix tracepath target corruption
jquery Fix untrusted code execution vulnerabilities
libbsd Fix out-of-bounds read issue
libpano13 Fix format string vulnerability
libreoffice Do not load encodings.py from current directoy
linux New upstream stable release; update ABI to -16; rotate secure boot signing keys; rt: update to 4.19.173-rt72
linux-latest Update to -15 kernel ABI; update for -16 kernel ABI
linux-signed-amd64 New upstream stable release; update ABI to -16; rotate secure boot signing keys; rt: update to 4.19.173-rt72
linux-signed-arm64 New upstream stable release; update ABI to -16; rotate secure boot signing keys; rt: update to 4.19.173-rt72
linux-signed-i386 New upstream stable release; update ABI to -16; rotate secure boot signing keys; rt: update to 4.19.173-rt72
lirc Normalize embedded ${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH} value in /etc/lirc/lirc_options.conf to find unmodified configuration files on all architectures; recommend gir1.2-vte-2.91 instead of non-existent gir1.2-vte
m2crypto Fix test failure with recent OpenSSL versions
openafs Fix outgoing connections after unix epoch time 0x60000000 (14 January 2021)
portaudio19 Handle EPIPE from alsa_snd_pcm_poll_descriptors, fixing crash
postgresql-11 New upstream stable release; fix information leakage in constraint-violation error messages ; fix CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY to wait for concurrent prepared transactions
privoxy Security issues
python3.7 Fix CRLF injection in http.client ; fix buffer overflow in PyCArg_repr in _ctypes/callproc.c
redis Fix a series of integer overflow issues on 32-bit systems
ruby-mechanize Fix command injection issue
systemd core: make sure to restore the control command id, too, fixing a segfault; seccomp: allow turning off of seccomp filtering via an environment variable
uim libuim-data: Perform symlink_to_dir conversion of /usr/share/doc/libuim-data in the resurrected package for clean upgrades from stretch
xcftools Fix integer overflow vulnerability
xterm Correct upper-limit for selection buffer, accounting for combining characters

Removed packages

The following packages were removed due to circumstances beyond our control:

Package Reason
certificatepatrol Incompatible with newer Firefox ESR versions
colorediffs-extension Incompatible with newer Thunderbird versions
dynalogin Depends on to-be-removed simpleid
enigmail Incompatible with newer Thunderbird versions
firefox-esr No longer supported (requires nodejs)
firefox-esr No longer supported (needs newer rustc)
getlive Broken due to Hotmail changes
gplaycli Broken by Google API changes
kerneloops Upstream service no longer available
libmicrodns Security issues
libperlspeak-perl Security issues; unmaintained
mathematica-fonts Relies on unavailable download location
pdns-recursor Security issues; unsupported
predictprotein Depends on to-be-removed profphd
profphd Unusable
quotecolors Incompatible with newer Thunderbird versions
selenium-firefoxdriver Incompatible with newer Firefox ESR versions
simpleid Does not work with PHP7
simpleid-ldap Depends on to-be-removed simpleid
torbirdy Incompatible with newer Thunderbird versions
weboob Unmaintained; already removed from later releases
yahoo2mbox Broken for several years

Security Updates

This revision adds the following security updates to the stable
release. The Security Team has already released an advisory for each of
these updates:

Advisory ID Package
DSA-3876 otrs2
DSA-3877 tor
DSA-3882 request-tracker4
DSA-3884 gnutls28
DSA-3885 irssi
DSA-3886 linux
DSA-3887 glibc
DSA-3888 exim4
DSA-3890 spip
DSA-3891 tomcat8
DSA-3893 jython
DSA-3895 flatpak
DSA-3896 apache2
DSA-3897 drupal7
DSA-3900 openvpn
DSA-3901 libgcrypt20
DSA-3902 jabberd2
DSA-3903 tiff
DSA-3904 bind9
DSA-3905 xorg-server
DSA-3906 undertow
DSA-3907 spice
DSA-3908 nginx
DSA-3910 knot
DSA-3911 evince
DSA-3912 heimdal

Security Updates

This revision adds the following security updates to the oldstable release.
The Security Team has already released an advisory for each of these

Advisory ID Package
DSA-4474 firefox-esr
DSA-4479 firefox-esr
DSA-4509 apache2
DSA-4509 subversion
DSA-4511 nghttp2
DSA-4516 firefox-esr
DSA-4517 exim4
DSA-4518 ghostscript
DSA-4519 libreoffice
DSA-4522 faad2
DSA-4523 thunderbird
DSA-4525 ibus
DSA-4526 opendmarc
DSA-4528 bird
DSA-4529 php7.0
DSA-4530 expat
DSA-4531 linux
DSA-4532 spip
DSA-4535 e2fsprogs
DSA-4537 file-roller
DSA-4539 openssl
DSA-4540 openssl1.0
DSA-4541 libapreq2
DSA-4542 jackson-databind
DSA-4543 sudo
DSA-4545 mediawiki
DSA-4547 tcpdump
DSA-4548 openjdk-8
DSA-4549 firefox-esr
DSA-4550 file
DSA-4552 php7.0
DSA-4554 ruby-loofah
DSA-4555 pam-python
DSA-4557 libarchive
DSA-4559 proftpd-dfsg
DSA-4560 simplesamlphp
DSA-4564 linux
DSA-4565 intel-microcode
DSA-4567 dpdk
DSA-4568 postgresql-common
DSA-4569 ghostscript
DSA-4571 thunderbird
DSA-4573 symfony
DSA-4574 redmine
DSA-4576 php-imagick
DSA-4578 libvpx
DSA-4580 firefox-esr
DSA-4581 git
DSA-4582 davical
DSA-4584 spamassassin
DSA-4585 thunderbird
DSA-4587 ruby2.3
DSA-4588 python-ecdsa
DSA-4589 debian-edu-config
DSA-4590 cyrus-imapd
DSA-4591 cyrus-sasl2
DSA-4592 mediawiki
DSA-4593 freeimage
DSA-4594 openssl1.0
DSA-4595 debian-lan-config
DSA-4596 tomcat8
DSA-4596 tomcat-native
DSA-4597 netty
DSA-4598 python-django
DSA-4600 firefox-esr
DSA-4601 ldm
DSA-4602 xen
DSA-4603 thunderbird
DSA-4604 cacti
DSA-4607 openconnect
DSA-4609 python-apt
DSA-4611 opensmtpd
DSA-4612 prosody-modules
DSA-4614 sudo
DSA-4615 spamassassin

Miscellaneous Bugfixes

This stable update adds a few important corrections to the following

Package Reason
3dchess Reduce wasteful CPU consumption
adwaita-icon-theme Fix malformed send-to-symbolic icon
anope Fix incorrect mail-transport-agent relationship
apt Reset failure reason when connection was successful, so later errors are reported as such and not as connection failure warnings; http: A response with Content-Length: 0 has no content, so don’t try to read it; use port from SRV record instead of initial port
avogadro Update eigen3 patches
base-files Update for the 9.1 point release
c-ares Security fix
debian-edu-doc Update Debian Edu Stretch manual from the wiki; update translations
debsecan Add support for stretch and buster; Python needs https_proxy for proxy configuration with https:// URLs
devscripts debchange: target stretch-backports with —bpo; support $codename{,-{proposed-updates,security}}; bts: add support for the new a11y tag
dgit Multiple bugfixes
dovecot Fix syntax errors when sending Solr queries
dwarfutils Security fixes
fpc Fix conversion from local time to UTC
galternatives Fix blank window when displaying properties
geolinks Fix python3 dependencies
gnats gnats-user: do not fail to purge if /var/lib/gnats/gnats-db is not empty
gnome-settings-daemon Do not add the US keyboard layout by default for new users, for some reason, this layout was preferred over the system configured one on the first login; preserve NumLock state between sessions by default
gnuplot Fix memory corruption vulnerability
gnutls28 Fix breakage with AES-GCM in-place encryption and decryption on aarch64
grub-installer Fix support for systems with a large number of disks
intel-microcode Update included microcode
libclamunrar Fix arbitrary memory write
libopenmpt Security fixes: out-of-bounds read while loading a malfomed PLM file; arbitrary code execution by a crafted PSM file ; various security fixes
libquicktime Security fixes
linux-latest Revert changes to debug symbol meta-packages
nagios-nrpe Restore previous SSL defaults
nvidia-graphics-drivers Bump Pre-Depends: nvidia-installer-cleanup to (>= 20151021) for smoother upgrades from jessie
octave-ocs Fix loading package functions
open-iscsi Speed up Debian Installer when iSCSI is not used
openssh Fix incoming compression statistics
openstack-debian-images Also add security updates for non wheezy/jessie
os-prober EFI — look for dos instead of msdos
osinfo-db Improve support for Stretch and Jessie
partman-base Protect the firmware area on all mmcblk devices (and not only on mmcblk0) from being clobbered during guided partitioning
pdns-recursor Add 2017 DNSSEC root key
perl Backport various Getopt-Long fixes from upstream 2.49..2.51; backport upstream patch fixing regexp Malformed UTF-8 character; apply upstream base.pm no-dot-in-inc fix
phpunit Security fix: arbitrary PHP code execution via HTTP POST
protozero Fix data_view equality operator
pulseaudio Fix copyright file
pykde4 Drop bindings for plasma webview bindings; they’re obsolete and non-functional
python-colorlog Fix python3 dependencies
python-imaplib2 Fix python3 dependencies
python-plumbum Fix python3 dependencies
qgis Fix missing Breaks/Replaces against python-qgis-common
request-tracker4 Handle configuration permissions correctly following RT_SiteConfig.d changes
retext Backport upstream fix for crash in XSettings code; fix syntax in appdata XML file
rkhunter Disable remote updates
socat Fix signals leading to possible 100% CPU usage
squashfs-tools Fix corruption of large files; fix rare race condition
systemd Fix out-of-bounds write in systemd-resolved ; be truly quiet in systemctl -q is-enabled; improve RLIMIT_NOFILE handling; debian/extra/rules: Use updated U2F ruleset
thermald Add Broadwell-GT3E and Kabylake support
unrar-nonfree Add bound checks for VMSF_DELTA, VMSF_RGB and VMSF_AUDIO paramters
win32-loader Replace all mirror urls with deb.debian.org; drop bz2 compression for source
( Пока оценок нет )
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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: